About Young Living

About Young Living

27 Years of Industry Leadership

  • 24 Corporate and Partner Farms
  • 270+ Essential Oils and Blends
  • 600+ Life-Changing Products
  • 50+ Highly Qualified Scientists in the D Gary Young Research Institute
  • 17 State-of-The-Art Distillery Locations Worldwide
  • Over 200.000 Viewers at the 2020 Virtual International Grand Convention
  • 3.200+ Global Employees
  • 29 International Markets with 33 Offices Worldwide
  • 13 Company Awards Received in 2020
  • 320.000+ Lives Impacted by The D Gary Young Young Living Fondatiob
  • Over 6 Million Global Members
  • 4.1 Billion Media Impressions and 333 Mentions or Coverage in 2020